

The Membership is restricted to those who engage in the activities of promoting and/or developing real estate in the State of Telangana and also to persons (s) or establishments whose activities are incidental to or connected with the promotion and development of real business directly. A minimum of three years of experience and a complete layout venture or construction project are required for business activity. The applicant must have a registered firm/company. Accepting or rejecting the application is the sole responsibility of the Governing Council without assigning any reason.

Membership is by invitation and not by application alone and it is subject to scrutiny and approval by the Governing Council of the Association.

The Association is a welfare association of its members.

The Branch constituted or formed as per the Bye-laws, Rules & Regulations hereunder shall be entitled to nominate the President and one other member from their Governing Council who is in good standing and has reasonable experience, as their authorized representatives to the General Body as well as the Governing Council of the main ‘TBF.

The Association is a welfare association of its members